Chartreuse Knits

Where a college student learns--and struggles with--the zen of knitting. It's the process, not the product, though the product is much more fun to wear!



Wow you guys! I feel so very very special! Melanie, THE Melanie from Daily Guilt commented on my blog! That's like getting a visit from a celebrity! Hi Melanie! *waves* So so very cool! (end exclamations.)

This got me to thinking... I'm not really sure who reads my blog. I know a few friends read this (hi guys!) and a few very sweet knitbloggers pass this way from time to time (Hey there! to Knitannie and Carola and all you other peeps out there!). But one of the cool and weird things about having a blog is that you're never really sure of your audience. A number of people comment, but far more read through and lurk. So anyone who passes by and sees this post should leave a small comment or something, just to know who's out there! It can be a quick hi or a long-winded greeting (we all know my tendency towards verbosity, so if that same quality is in you, feel free to go on...and on)!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go off dancing and smiling joyously for the rest of the evening. :)