Chartreuse Knits

Where a college student learns--and struggles with--the zen of knitting. It's the process, not the product, though the product is much more fun to wear!


Week of Doom

Thanks everyone for the great suggestions about books and the like on my 101 list. I've added the books to my list, and have bookmarked the websites both for tea and sewing machines, for when the moment arrives to bring those into my life. You guys are so awesome!

I have been knitting, believe it or not, despite this week's stress levels. Yesterday I managed to complete one more repeat on Laura's wedding bedspread, bringing the grand total of completed repeats to 6. Only 14 more to go on that strip. It's really quite enjoyable, and the pattern is so easy that I've practically memorized it. However, there's one section where I tend to add an extra ssk, and then start freaking out that my numbers don't match, so I rip back, knit and screw up again, rip once more, and then realize, "Oh! There's only one ssk on that section, not two!" I highly recommend the pattern, even if you decide just to make one of the narrow strips and turn it into a scarf. The leaves just pop out, and the cabling without the cable needle is a great thing. So pretty, so easy! (Doesn't that remind you of the whole "Very easy, Very Vogue!" label in Vogue Knitting? hee!)

Speaking of cables....
I've been working on writing a pattern for an iPod cozy, much along the lines of the digicam cozy I made my sister for Christmas. It's going to be made out of the Rowan Calmer I used for hers, and it will also have a cable running down the middle. However, I'm having a little trouble getting the cable to match when I pick up the stitches from the provisional cast on. So I'm going to start it again, even after having frogged it 6 times. It will work. I'll also provide instructions for iPod nanos, the new iPods, and ye older generation iPods. Also, it'll include ways to knit your own, sans designs, and based on the gauge of whatever yarn you have available. (Whoa, Scary!. Me, giving instrucions on how to do math? Scary, indeed). Never fear, the pattern will be free, since I'm all about the free.

Speaking of free patterns... (I'm on a roll here, dontcha know?)
I know I promised a .PDF version of my Dragon Scale Gauntlet pattern some time ago. However, I'm not sure of how the heck to post it to Blogger. I'm going to look into Blogger's help system, and that'll be one more thing I get up on the website as part of #91 of my 101 in 1001. If you feel a .PDF would be better for you and you're anxious to start soon, be sure to email me, and I'll send a copy your way.

Despite this week being one of the most hectic I've experienced in college thus far, I'm surprisingly upbeat, happy, and tranquil. So let's hope it stays that way, with two exams down, and two to go. Onward!