Chartreuse Knits

Where a college student learns--and struggles with--the zen of knitting. It's the process, not the product, though the product is much more fun to wear!


Monday Fix-its!

Lots of fixin' going on down here! I finally worked up the courage to unravel and fix my messed up Hourglass sweater, as well as re-work the heel for my sock-pal socks. Unfortunately, the latter is still a little big. I measured my sister's foot, and she has the exact measurements my sock pal has. So I may have to re-do that short-row heel yet again, but I'll be sure to note the changes so that sock #2 goes smoothly. What with all the ripping and re-knitting, there are no pictures of yet, but I have a few sewing projects I'm contemplating doing tomorrow, and hopefully there'll be some pictures then. Good night everyone!